
Mayer Brown拥有必需的法律技巧及经验,在岌岌可危的关头为公司的未来保驾护航。面临危机情况的客户不仅需要出色的庭审辩护技巧,还需要睿智的资深顾问协助其应对危机情况下可能出现的政治、监管及媒体问题。Mayer Brown国会调查及危机管理团队中的律师及其他专业人士包括两党成员,执业经验横跨多个业务领域,协助客户应对并尽可能避免危机,最大限度地降低不利影响。


Representative Matters:

  • Healthcare.gov - Mayer Brown lawyers represented one of the government contractors responsible for the design and creation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) web site in connection with Congress’s investigation into the web site’s stalled launch. Specifically, Mayer Brown helped craft responses to congressional subpoena and document requests from the House Government Oversight Committee, helping the client plot a course through this politically fraught issue.
  • The Washington Navy Yard Shooting - Mayer Brown lawyers represented a security contractor in connection with the federal inquiry into the September 2013 fatal shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington DC. Mayer Brown helped the contractor respond to document requests and parallel investigations by the FBI, the Secretary of the Navy and Congress.
  • Major League Baseball Steroids Investigation - Mayer Brown lawyers represented several All-Star baseball players in connection with Congress’s investigation into the use of performance enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball. Among other things, Mayer Brown prepared and represented several players in connection with their hearing testimony before the House Government Reform Committee and successfully persuaded the Committee not to pursue perjury charges related to certain players’ testimony.
  • Blackwater – Mayer Brown lawyers represented Blackwater in a series of matters arising from the firefight that arose in Nisur Square in Baghdad in 2007.
  • Recalls and Product Safety - Mayer Brown has represented some of the world’s largest manufacturers in their most critical moments, such as when their products are alleged to be defective or unsafe. In this role, Mayer Brown has regularly engaged with a variety of regulatory bodies including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Consumer Product Safety Commission. Understanding that consumer safety issues can spill over into congressional investigations, we have built our team to handle parallel investigations by regulatory agencies and Congress. Over the past decade, our firm has handled some of the most significant consumer safety issues in the automotive, chemical and medical device industries.
  • Nuclear Energy Regulation - Mayer Brown represented a large industrial manufacturer of nuclear power facilities in connection with regulatory and congressional inquiries in the wake of issues at the plant in Fukushima, Japan, and the closing of the Vermont Yankee plant in Vernon, Vermont.
  • Financial Services Regulation - Mayer Brown has been helping its financial services clients track and comply with the new laws and regulations that have arisen since the onset of the 2008 financial crisis. Our firm has represented several banking clients before congressional committees and subcommittees as well as before Treasury, the FDIC, and the SEC. In conjunction with the firm’s Financial Service Regulatory & Enforcement practice, we advise clients on emerging legal trends, regulatory compliance, potential enforcement proceedings, legislative initiatives and other areas of strategic risk. Our firm has even helped to shape the changing legislative landscape. We were integrally involved in the development and implementation of the Basel Committee capital standards, the USA PATRIOT Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act and sanctions/embargo legislation. More recently, we have also helped shape initiatives targeted to the regulation of private equity and hedge funds, sub-prime mortgage lenders and international transactions such as “cover” payments.
  • Food and Beverage Regulation - Mayer Brown has represented several prominent food companies whose products were alleged to have caused food-borne illnesses. We developed a successful litigation strategy, engaged with federal regulators and provided advice on the companies’ public relations strategies. We also identified, and coordinated with, relevant experts to counter and dispute the inaccurate allegations, demonstrating the flawed scientific assumptions underlying the allegations and heading off an industry-wide crisis.

