
Gustavo Scheffer da Silveira

International Arbitration

"Gustavo Scheffer Da Silveira, who has previously worked for the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration as deputy counsel in the Latin American team, is particularly seasoned in cross-border cases.”
The Legal 500, 2024


Gustavo Scheffer da Silveira advises and represents clients in high-stakes, complex litigation, and arbitration matters. Gustavo represents clients in national and international arbitrations, focusing on disputes in the civil construction, energy and technology sectors. He is an arbitrator in international arbitrations administered under the rules of international and regional institutions.

Gustavo’s previous work experience provides him with knowledge to best serve clients in the domestic and international arbitration sector. He worked as Deputy Counsel in the Latin American team, as counsel responsible for the São Paulo office of the ICC’s Secretariat of the Court, managed hundreds of cases, and reviewed arbitration awards relating to various jurisdictions and economic sectors. 

He is fluent in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. 


Gustavo’s current and recent relevant cases include the representation of:
  • Representing a Brazilian securitization company, cessionary of credits arising from a built to suit (BTS) lease contract, in an ICC arbitration against the tenant, and also involving the owner of the building. The dispute relates to the tenant’s request for the revision and/or termination of the contract due to hardship. The seat of the arbitration is Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil and the language of the arbitration is Portuguese.
  • Spanish EPC contractor and its Ivorian subsidiary, claimants in an ICC arbitration seated in Paris against the Ivorian subsidiary of a French company. The dispute relates to the construction of a combined-cycle power plant and the impacts of force majeure events on the performance of the works. French law is applicable to the merits of the dispute and French is the language of the proceedings.
  • Representing a major Brazilian infrastructure company and its subsidiary, claimants in a CAM-CCBC arbitration seated in São Paulo, against a French company and its Peruvian subsidiary. The dispute arises out of a Share Purchase Agreement under which claimants transferred to respondents the control of a company holding concession rights in Peru. Brazilian law is applicable to the merits and English is the language of the arbitration.

verwandte Beratungsfelder und Industrien

Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen


  • Recognized as Next Generation Partners in Dispute Resolution: Arbitration – The Legal 500, 2024
  • “Gustavo Scheffer Da Silveira, who has previously worked for the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration as deputy counsel in the Latin American team, is particularly seasoned in cross-border cases.” – The Legal 500, 2024
  • Recognized in Arbitration - Latin Lawyer 250, 2023-2024


  • University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, PhD, Private International Law and International Commercial Law
  • University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Master I, Private International Law and International Commercial Law
  • University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Private International Law
  • UniCuritiba, Bachelor of Law (JD equivalent)


  • Brazil


  • Englisch
  • Französisch
  • Deutsch
  • Portugiesisch
  • Spanisch


  • Member of the ICC ADR Centre Standing Committee
  • Member of the List of Adjudicators of the Centro Nacional e Internacional de Arbitraje de la Cámara De Comercio de Lima
  • Director of the Brazilian Institute for Construction Law - IBDiC, BrazilCoordinator of the ICC Brasil’s infrastructure committee
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Arbitration Review (Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem)
  • Member of the study group on “International Arbitration and Construction” of the French Arbitration Committee - CFA, France
  • Member of the ICC’s Latin-American Arbitration Group
  • Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee - CBAr, Brazil
  • Director of the Brazilian Institute for Construction Law - IBDiC, Brazil, 2018-2021