
Eric T. Mitzenmacher

金融服务, 消费金融服务, 金融科技


Eric Mitzenmacher provides regulatory compliance advice to companies that offer various consumer and small business financial products and services, as well as conducting regulatory due diligence reviews on behalf of investors in, and financing sources for, such companies. Eric’s experience spans the lifecycle of a typical financial services company, including initial program development, day-to-day compliance, due diligence in connection with transactions from financings and asset purchases to mergers and acquisitions, and government examinations and enforcement actions.


Program Build-Outs and General Compliance
  • Advised marketplace lenders on program development and bank partnership design, including guidance on statutory and case law developments affecting the scope of preemption under federal banking laws.
  • Advised multiple point-of-sale retail financing programs operating under different business models—including direct lenders, sales finance companies, and marketplace lending platforms—on program development, product design, licensing, consumer-facing documentation, and policies and procedures.
  • Advised a home improvement lending platform operating under a bank partnership model on program development, compliance management, consumer-facing documentation and processes, and specific compliance policies and procedures.


  • 耶鲁法学院, 法律博士
    Managing Editor, Yale Law and Policy Review
  • Stanford University, BS, with distinction


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
  • 弗吉尼亚州


  • 美国最高法院
  • US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
  • US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
  • US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims


  • American Bar Association