
Tauil Chequer Advogados advises on the issuance of Pravaler debentures

Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised Pravaler, a financial education company, in the context of its first tokenized debentures issuance, totaling R$60 million. The debentures were placed by means of a public offering with restricted placements efforts, pursuant to CVM Rule 476, coordinated by Itaú BBA and Vórtx DTVM. The debentures were one of the first linked to tokens (a blockchain-based technology) in the primary and secondary markets, under the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM) sandbox for innovative businesses. The team was led by partner Rodolfo Tella, together with associates Dianie Teixeira and Stephanie Carmo, all from the Capital Markets & Securitization practice.

