February 2023

Legal Developments in Construction Law: February 2023


In this edition:

  1. Supreme Court says Tate Modern viewing gallery arrangements are a nuisance
  2. Termination – where does that leave liquidated damages?
  3. What exactly might "wilful default" mean?
  4. Does a breach of contract give rise to a right to suspend work?
  5. Noise nuisance – does it keep you awake at night?
  6. First Tier Tribunal makes s124 remediation contribution order
  7. CMA prioritises housebuilding for next market study
  8. DLUHC sets 6 week deadline for developers to sign remediation contracts
  9. Draft regulations detail key higher-risk building information required by the BSR from the accountable person
  10. Banks and RICS issue statement on lending on buildings with safety concerns
  11. New government consultation on BSA building control changes
  12. BSR seeks views on competence information for managing HRB building safety
  13. Consultation on recovery by landlords of remediation costs
  14. Consultation on service charge recovery by landlords of ongoing costs of building safety duties

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