dezembro 14 2020

Fundamentals of Privacy Law 2020


Practising Law Institute


It used to be that only “death and taxes” were inevitable, but for attorneys these days, add to that list, “Privacy.” This seminar will give general practitioners, litigators, corporate counsel, and transactional attorneys a fundamental understanding about how privacy connects and works with other practice areas as well as the basics of the security of personal information and regulatory enforcement. You will be able to know where to start when your client asks that privacy law question, recognize when privacy impacts a transaction, understand what is “PII,” and know how to address privacy in your day-to-day advice.

Mayer Brown partner Lei Shen will be presenting the Third Party and Vendor Privacy session. Every client will have vendors and suppliers providing services and supporting their operations, but how do they deal with the protection and safeguarding of personal information that those third parties would collect, use, and disclose on the client’s behalf.  Key is understanding for what is the client responsible, for what can the vendor be obligated, and how make sure everyone understands those issues. Topics will include: 

  • Contracting and legal agreement with third parties
  • Cloud and service providers issues
  • Certifications and auditing
  • Vendor risk solutions and privacy/security standards

For more information, please visit the event website.

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