septiembre 16 2022

Tauil & Chequer Advogados advises Via Brasil BR 163 on its project finance

Tauil & Chequer Advogados (T&C), in association with Mayer Brown, advised Via Brasil BR 163 Concessionária de Rodovias S.A, concessionaire of the Conasa Group, in its first issue of debentures (project finance) in the total amount of nearly US$ 165 million, carried out with the tax benefits outlined in article 2 of Law No. 12,431, dated as of June 24, 2011. The public offering was distributed and placed by Banco BTG Pactual S.A., Banco Itaú BBA S.A. and Banco ABC Brasil S.A., as underwriters, under the terms of CVM Rule No. 400, concomitantly to the Company’s registration with the CVM as a pre operational publicly-held company. The funds raised will be used to carry out the investment cycle in the concession of Via BR 163/230/MT/PA (Brazilian highway concession), as well as for the reimbursement of expenses related to the concession, pursuant to Law No. 12,431.

The T&C team was led by partners Luis Montes and Rodolfo Tella, and included associates Dianie Teixeira, Beatriz Lavigne and Camila Spinola from the Capital Markets & Securitization and Banking & Finance practices.

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