julio 12 2022

Mayer Brown advises Government of Benin on first independent power projects in the country

Related People:
  • Hélène Dautrevaux,
  • Lucy Mutawe

Mayer Brown advised the Government of Benin and the MCA-Benin II (an entity of US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation) on the first independent solar and thermal power projects in the country.

Mayer Brown oversaw the development and implementation of the competitive bidding process resulting in the award of four solar power plants concessions and power purchase agreements, totalling an installed capacity of 50 MW, to be developed by GreenYellow and Egnon Consulting and financed by the International Finance Corporation and Proparco.

Additionally, Mayer Brown advised on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a 41 MW combined-cycle power plant in Maria Gleta; also using an IPP scheme. 

These projects will help economic growth and development in the country by delivering energy to nearly 300,000 Beninese households and businesses. 

The Mayer Brown team was led by Paris Energy & Infrastructure partner Olivier Mélédo and included associate Stéphane Joly. 


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