Structure, business and supply chains
Mayer Brown International LLP (the Firm or we), a limited liability partnership (registered in England and Wales number OC303359), is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. It is part of Mayer Brown, a global legal services provider comprising legal practices that are separate legal entities.
As an office based business our supply chain includes facilities for the benefit of clients and staff, such as cleaning, security and catering. We consider our supply chain to be typical of a global legal services provider, involving supplies such as office goods and equipment and supplies connected with business development needs hosted by the Firm, which may include training events.
We are committed to achieving the highest standards of ethical conduct and to ensuring that we, our lawyers, employees and others who may provide services to the Firm or on the Firm's behalf, act in compliance with all applicable laws, which includes applicable laws prohibiting slavery and human trafficking.
We value our people and seek to create a work environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and in which diversity is valued. Everyone has the right to work without fear of harassment and we encourage reporting of inappropriate behaviour and operate a strict policy of non-tolerance towards victimisation of anyone making a report in good faith.
We do not engage with suppliers whom we know or believe fail to operate to similar ethical standards and treat their staff with respect.
Risk Assessment
In line with our legal and ethical obligations we continue to address slavery and human trafficking risks in our business and supply chain and remain vigilant regarding such risks although they are ameliorated by the nature of our business, our long standing relationship with key suppliers and our processes regarding new suppliers. Taking all these factors together, we consider the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain to be relatively low.
Due Diligence
In the year ending 30 April 2023 we have:
- Identified, on a risk-approach basis, suppliers in areas of perceived greater risk (for example, security, catering and cleaning). When we meet those suppliers, modern slavery concerns or breaches are addressed. Should any issues be reported, in particular any breaches, we would require them to be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
- Required our new suppliers, when first added to our system as suppliers, to complete a supplier information form, which contains a statement by the relevant supplier affirming compliance with applicable modern slavery laws.
- Continued to roll out to our supply chain the Procurement Policies and Procedures and Supplier Code of Conduct which we introduced last year.
We believe training is an essential element of raising awareness to ensure all staff remain vigilant and to ensure those with direct procurement roles fulfil them responsibly.
All joiners are therefore provided with an information pamphlet on modern slavery and an annual update is provided for senior managers on any developments in the legislation or potential risk areas in the Firm's supply chain to which they should have special regard.
Measuring Effectiveness
As a result of taking the above steps for the year ended 30 April 2023, no breaches of the modern slavery legislation by our suppliers have been reported to us or have otherwise come to our attention.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 with respect to the financial year ending 30 April 2023 and sets out the steps the Firm has taken in that period to continue to address slavery and human trafficking risks in our business and in our supply chain.
Dominic Griffiths
Designated Member, Mayer Brown International LLP
London Managing Partner
Date : 26 October 2023
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