September 16, 2020

License to Kill: Administrative Patent Invalidity Proceeding in the US and China


Today’s companies recognize the value in doing business around the world. But doing business overseas can lead to costly patent disputes in unfamiliar forums. So, what do you do when you’ve been accused of patent infringement, or perhaps just want to enter a promising new market but have concerns about a competitor’s patent?

An attractive option is to challenge the validity of the patent outside of court through administrative proceedings. Administrative invalidity proceedings can be a speedy and cost-efficient way to sidestep traditional patent litigation and to address market-entrance concerns. This brief webinar will present what you need to know about challenging the validity of patents in administrative forums in both the United States and China. We will lay out your options in both countries, describe the pros and cons, and tell you the questions you should be asking your counsel before diving into these invalidity proceedings.

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