Please join Stanford Law School, in conjunction with Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center for a two-day comprehensive advocacy training course on patent and technology arbitration and mediation for litigation counsel. This course features lecture and interactive segments and is designed for experienced lawyers. The course is designed to provide experienced litigation counsel legal knowledge and practical expertise in technology and patent alternative dispute resolution. It will cover pre-filing considerations, pleading, selecting arbitrators and challenges, jurisdiction, how best to present a patent technology case in arbitration and mediation, international arbitration, post-award enforcement and challenges, and ethics. Leading Stanford Law academics, experienced patent litigators, and tech ADR neutrals will join together to share their expertise. Mayer Brown’s Sarah Reynolds will speak on two topics; "Arbitrating the Patent/Technology Case – Phase II: Arbitrator Selection" and "Arbitrating the Patent/Tech case - Phase VI: Enforcing and Attacking Awards in Patent Cases."
For additional information, please see the event agenda.