
Post-Brexit Immigration: Introducing the Points-Based Immigration System


In February 2020, the Home Office of the UK government released a policy statement noting the details of a new era of immigration to launch in the wake of Brexit. The new system, which remains encapsulated in the February 2020 policy statement, is purported to fulfill the UK Government’s commitment to “take back control of its borders by ending free movement and introducing a single, global immigration system” (emphasis added).

Set to be in full force by the end of the Brexit transition period on January 1, 2021, the UK’s post-Brexit immigration policy is founded upon a new Points-Based Immigration System (PBS). In addition to PBS qualification, the policy includes several specialized immigration routes through which foreign nationals may gain admission to the United Kingdom. For example, the Global Talent Route, which is currently available for non-EU citizens, will also be available for EU citizens 1 who are exceptionally skilled in prominent fields including, for example, science, humanities, engineering, the arts and digital technology, and are endorsed by a recognized UK body, as approved by the Home Office.

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